JUVE: pswp at the forefront of public commercial law
Gründerzeit Award and first placement for pswp in the new 2020/21 ranking for environmental and planning law and constitutional and commercial administrative law
JUVE has not only honoured pswp with the important Gründerzeit Award, but has also elevated it to the top position in the new handbook in the two important categories of environmental and planning law and constitutional and commercial administrative law; pswp is also rated highly in the sectors of transport and energy law.
Here are the reasons for the award, which we are very pleased about:
Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners
Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners is no longer just talked about by public law experts. The firm rose to the top of the market in record time. It combines deep regulatory know-how with an understanding of overarching business issues.
With this successful concept, it is now the first point of contact when mobility providers or energy companies want to see their business ideas and projects realized in regulated markets. For example, it is advising RWE on the lignite phase-out, which is of great importance to the company. The firm, which is about two years old, steers projects through all conceivable risks and works closely with managing directors, board members and the relevant administrative authorities. With this model, it is confidently shaking up the consulting market in public commercial law, leaving many established units behind.
The success is not only due to the market-renowned founding partners Dr. Herbert Posser.
Further areas of expertise:
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