Our expertise is your strength

Breadth and depth

We know the sectors and cases in which regulation and environmental law become relevant.

POSSER SPIETH WOLFERS & PARTNERS covers the entire range of commercially relevant regulation and environmental law. We have extensive experience of highly complex cases with economic and political significance.

  • Litigation: we have more than 20 years’ experience of complex proceedings before administrative and constitutional courts, European courts, civil and international courts of arbitration as well as before regulatory and environmental agencies.
  • Negotiations: our advice is legally sound, commercially prudent and politically cognisant for your most important discussions and negotiations. We are there to help you with your strategy and implementation.
  • Transactions: for decades now, we have given advice on transactions whose success hinges on the successful handling of regulatory and environmental law matters; we know the issues and critical situations.
  • Groundbreaking projects for the future: we are happy to evaluate, structure and safeguard new, groundbreaking projects with you. This includes political-legal communication and advice on potential new regulatory mechanisms and legislation.
  • Political know-how: we are well aware of the significance of political parameters for the implementation of projects that are often controversial. We have firm contacts that go back decades and a major reputation in the political sphere. We are able to lobby on your behalf, and we are used to distilling complex legal issues to the key points and coordinating with you or your advisors legally and efficiently.
  • Teamwork: we have decades of experience in advising as part of a larger team and working closely with other consultants, whether these are internal or external, national or international. If requested, we can put together larger teams for you.

Energie und Klimaregulierung

Wir haben an wesentlichen energierechtlichen Projekten in erster Reihe mitgewirkt und die Energiewende mitgestaltet.

Automobile und neue Mobilität

Die regulatorischen Herausforderungen im Automobilsektor sind international und haftungsträchtig. Wir kennen die technischen Grundlagen sowie alle Hürden und Phasen der Regulierungsberatung.

Industrie und Umwelt

Wir verfügen über eine herausragende Expertise bei der genehmigungsrechtlichen Begleitung industrieller Großprojekte und beraten die gesamte umweltrechtliche Bandbreite der industriellen Produktion.

Finanzen und Versicherung

Wir begleiten Strukturfragen und Transaktionen im Bereich der öffentlichen Banken und Versicherungen sowie in Fragen der Regulierung der Finanzmärkte, der europäischen Bankenaufsicht und Bankenabwicklung.

Infrastruktur und Transport

Wir begleiten und gestalten planungsbedürftige Vorhaben, sowohl für Investoren wie Träger öffentlicher Infrastrukturprojekte, und navigieren Sie zielsicher.

Mining, water and raw materials

With our decades of expertise in mining law, raw-material extraction and water management, we have shaped the legal landscape for companies and the state.


Wir kennen die Wasserstoff-Schlüsselindustrien und beraten Wasserstoffprojekte in allen Phasen – von der strategischen Planung bis zur industriellen Implementierung.

State and Europe

Both the state and the European Union change the landscape for companies via regulations and treaties. We are more than familiar with these instruments and the opportunities and risks they bring.